Highcroft Investments PLC is an internally managed Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT) which invests in commercial property in England and Wales. The company is listed on listed on The International Stock Exchange, having previously been listed on the premium segment of the main market of the London Stock Exchange.

PURPOSE & CULTURE TISE Listing Appointment of broker post TISE Listing News

Our purpose

Highcroft's purpose is to provide our tenants with quality properties, in good locations, enabling them to succeed, and our stakeholders to benefit on a long-term sustainable basis.

Latest news

  • Interim Report for the six months ended 30 June 2021 03 September 2021


Highcroft Investments PLC is an internally managed Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT) which invests in commercial property in England and Wales. The company is listed on the premium (commercial company) segment of the main market of the London Stock Exchange.


Highcroft's purpose is to provide our tenants with quality properties, in good locations, enabling them to succeed, and our stakeholders to benefit on a long-term sustainable basis.

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Market aware

We are able to identify and react quickly to market opportunities in order to deliver returns above the industry average.

2023 Split by sector
  • Warehouses
  • Office
  • High street retail
  • Retail warehouses
  • Leisure
  • Assets held for development

Our strategy

Highcroft aims to deliver sustainable long-term income and capital growth for its shareholders through accretive asset management initiatives and recycling of capital in its regionally-based property portfolio.

We are well placed to continue to deliver long-term secure returns to our shareholders.”